Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pin Timing a Denso Pump on a Cummins link to a  a great video on how to find timing on your fuel pump. Last week was a great week.Don and Stephanie and I worked on trying to put the c6 8.3 liter marine engine together It has been a good learning project I learned how to gap the valves and find true tdc as Cummings has on their site .Following their specs was simple just be careful not to to force the piston to hard against the valve when you spin the crank .you will feel the piston against the valve.You will have to fabricate a pointer so that it points onto the vibration damper so that you can make a mark for reference  when you find tdc after that spin counter clockwise until you feel the valve again remark it then divide that distance between the two marks and that is your true tdc  also when you find tdc don't forget to reset the number 1piston  gap to its specs. I learned the steps and set the timing on the engine so that i could install the NippoDenso pump which also needs to be timed to the book specs i included a l;ink to the video that was on the web  I thought he did a good job explaining the process so I used it hope you all watch it and use the Cummings web site to learn the steps it surely helped me.

 My hours in the shop and work are 50